Christine Zyla smiling and welcoming clients

About Christine

Christine Zyla is the owner of Transforming in Hope. Born and raised in Saskatchewan, Christine now lives in Hope, BC and supports fellow Canadians on a journey towards H.O.P.E. – Happy, Open, Peaceful, Empowered living.

Christine continues to learn and stretch her comfort lines in order to expand her repertoire of tools and techniques for personal and spiritual growth.  As a life-long learner and a teacher with more than 30 years of experience, she loves to support personal growth and learning in a joyful spirit of curiosity and openness to whatever emerges.

Christine regularly invests in her own education so that she can provide the best service and achieve the best results for her clients.

She has achieved certified status as an Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner (NeftTi and EFTi), Trauma Professional (PESI), Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy (The Embody Lab), Personal Empowerment Coach (S.W.A.T Institute), Advanced ThetaHealing™ Practitioner (THInK), and Angel Intuitive (Angel Alchemy Academy).

Christine Zyla smiling and welcoming clients

My Journey

Let’s start at the beginning…

My own experience with EFT began with some exploration on my own just out of curiosity.

I had been exploring a variety of tools for mental, emotional, and spiritual growth and transformation for many years including 12 Step spirituality, art therapy, journalling, the Circle Way process, and many more.

I am a life-long learner with a natural curiosity, so EFT was at that time, just something new to explore.

Flowing stream near Hope BC
Flowing stream near Hope BC
Flowing stream near Hope BC

Gratitude for EFT

I am deeply grateful that EFT came into my life in this gradual way. It became my “go-to” and was instrumental in expanding my capacity to manage the stress and emotional dysregulation I was experiencing during my partner’s PTSD diagnosis and its fall-out.  I continued to study and learn more about this powerful modality, as well as several other somatic, energetic, cognitive, and transpersonal tools. I love the simplicity of EFT as a valuable self-help and therapeutic tool.

I know that EFT can help anyone who is working through life challenges, including recovering from trauma, grief and loss, and any life transitions. I also know that EFT is effective as a gentle trauma-informed approach to working the 12 Steps and other spiritual aspects of recovery, as well as a tried-and-true method of self-care for those who are supporting loved ones who are in recovery. There are endless possibilities for this beautiful and simple suite of techniques to help make life better.

Ready to start?

Now is the perfect time to begin your own journey towards H.O.P.E.

Simply send Christine a message to book in a time to talk.

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